Frequently Asked Questions

Got Questions? Want Answers? Look below to have those common questions answered about all things SMARTEST Method.

What is The SMARTEST Method?

Firstly, there are SMART goals, then there’s The SMARTEST Method. My strategy extends on SMART goals and adds a few extra steps that will make your goal happen with more certainty, enthusiasm and chances for success. It’s a personal development process that helps you set a goal that is congruent with who you are and what you really want most for yourself.

How do I buy the book online?

The book is now available to order online through the bookstore section of the Xlibris website. You can go directly to the ordering page by clicking here.

How much will it cost?

The book will cost around the $28 mark.

Will the book be available in bookstores?

Initially, no – it will only be available to buy online. But in the near future, you may see it at your local bookstore…you never know!

What makes The SMARTEST Method better than other goal setting strategies?

Most goal setting strategies leave out the crucial elements of Momentum, Accountability and Taking Immediate Action. Without those extra steps, most goals remain plans and never get off the ground. With The SMARTEST Method, you will be taken to the next level of setting and pursuing your goals through creating energy and anticipation about your outcome, as well as feeling compelled to make it happen, and you’ll take action straight away. Kick-starting your goals in this way is what makes The SMARTEST Method so powerful and more effective than most other goal setting strategies.

Who is Brian McAleer?

Brian McAleer has been involved in personal development for over ten years. He has learnt from such leading figures as Anthony Robbins, Eckhart Tolle, and Dr. John Demartini. Brian has also been a client of life coaching as well as a coach himself, so understands what it’s like to start out on the journey of self-improvement and help others do the same. The real turning point came in 2010 when Brian launched his own coaching business, called “Magnificent Purpose”. His work with this business incorporates coaching teens as well as parents and teachers. Prior to this book Brian has been published on two occasions, having written articles for local magazines on working with young people and identifying you own learning style. He is also a regular guest on Casey Radio’s “An Hour of Power & Leadership” and speaks at events and seminars on a regular basis. With all this experience and passion from the past decade, Brian has crafted his own take on setting goals with The SMARTEST Method and plans to take this out to the world and reach as many people as he can.

How does The SMARTEST Method work?

The SMARTEST Method is an acronym that breaks down a detailed but practical process for setting your goals. Through reading the book, you will be guided through each part of the method. Many topics and aspects of personal development and life coaching are covered to help you get back in touch with the real you. This is the best place to set goals from – when you are congruent – so the book helps you uncover or rediscover the unique abilities and dreams you already possess. By the end of the book, you will have a powerful goal plan and feel inspired to go out there and make it happen.

How long does it take to use The SMARTEST Method?

That depends on you. You may be a speed reader and get through it quickly, or you might prefer the slow approach. I recommend reading and working through one part of the method per day, as each chapter is best understood and applied when you have a break in between to process what you’ve learnt or explored. Combined with answering the questions for “Constructing Your Goal”, it should take you 8-10 days to work through the book and develop your goal plan.

How can I get help or my questions answered when using The SMARTEST Method?

If you have any questions or don’t understand any part of the method, write your question down and email it to me at Specific questions about the method and how it applies to your goal should be directed to me personally. I will endeavour to reply to your questions as soon as I can and give you the best response I possibly can. That’s my commitment to you.

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